Orthopedic rehabilitation encompasses a wide range of injuries and problems involving the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and peripheral nerves.
In physical therapy we work to resolve pain, limited motion, gait problems, weakness, loss of function, and prevent recurrence. Physical Therapists trained and experienced in the treatment of athletic and musculoskeletal injures specialize in the area of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy.
Our Physical Therapists are highly skilled and have become so by their academic and clinical experiences. Numerous post-graduate courses have been taken from instructors around the world in order to enhance our didactic and clinical skills. This all adds up to enhanced proficiencies when delivering care to our patients.
Orthopedic and sports physical therapists concentrate training on the manual and exercise therapies. Knowledge gleaned in these areas provide the requisite skill to assist your physician in determining the site, source, cause, and relative significance of your problem. Insight improves treatment outcomes and can reduce unnecessary procedures and costs. Our clinical objective is to expedite your functional return to work, leisure, or sport safely for the least amount of costs.
Benefits of Orthopedic Therapy
✔ Improves mobility and motion
✔ Provides an alternative to surgery
✔ Helps reduce the need for prescription medications
✔ Helps with back pain
✔ Helps with sports injuries
✔ Helps with arthritis
✔ Helps reduce carpal tunnel syndrome
✔ Helps with dislocations
✔ Helps reduce musculoskeletal disorders
We offer a variety of services to provide the relief you need.